The George Mason International Law Journal Forum publishes short, original pieces of timely scholarship. This includes essays, short articles, and replies to articles. Submissions should include the author’s resume/CV and the essay to be considered. Submissions are accepted through the submission form or by email to the Development Editor at


The Need for Global Guidance to Combat the Silent Crime of International Healthcare Fraud

Grace Johnston I. Introduction In the United States alone, it is estimated that around $68 billion is lost to healthcare[1] fraud each year,[2] while other sources estimate this number to be over $200 billion.[3] The…

Clarifying Complicity under Article III(e) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide to Mitigate Genocide in the Future

Kimberly Brooking I. Introduction In 2022, the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) began investigating the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other Russian crimes that date back to 2013.[1] This comes as no surprise,…

Hold The Line: Stopping the Chinese Communist Party’s Genocide of the Uyghurs

Besa Bucaj I. Introduction Currently, more than 1 million Uyghurs have been imprisoned by the notorious Chinese Communist regime.[1] The Uyghur people have been subjected to forced labor, forced organ harvesting, sterilization, and brainwashing.[2] While…

Somalia’s Unspoken Armed Conflict: Nature’s Way of Shifting Combat

Gage Dabin* I. Climate Change’s Unspoken Relationship with Armed Conflict Climate change is the largest existential threat facing our generation. Unlike “bad weather” which tends to create localized disruptions for a small period of time,…

Clean Up on ILJ: Taking Domestic Action to Tackle Bribery and Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration

Angelica Banks I. Introduction It’s common sense that there is a lot of money changing hands and business deals being conducted around the world, but have you ever conceptualized just how much of this is…

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and Covid-19: Is it Really an Unprecedented Time?

Sally Alghazali We are all tired of hearing the term “unprecedented times” after months of fighting this pandemic with all its “unprecedented” challenges. However, can all the challenges Covid-19 imposed on people worldwide really by…

An International Law Perspective on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chad Crowell The World Health Organization (WHO) has been leading the charge against COVID-19, the novel strain of coronavirus spreading across the globe. The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is…