Volume 4 | 2012-2013
Editorial Board, 2012-2013
Marvin E. Rooks, Looking Through the Judicial Lens: The Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Franchise Relationships
Daniel B. Pickard, The U.S. International Trade Commission and Trade Remedy Investigations: 10 Suggestions for Improvement
Gary W. Sutton, The New FATF Standards
Sabrina Cotter, Working Towards Compliance: Addressing Chinese Export Credit Programs
Justin Du Mouchel, Classification Wars: The United States Court of International Trade and the Expanding Tariff Classification Mandate
Alexandra R. Harrington, Conflicting Trends: Lessons from Current Evaluative Mechanisms in International and Regional Anti-Corruption Systems Regarding Conflicts of Interest
Jarrod Tudor, Compulsory Licensing in the European Union
Jason Saylor, Rating Agencies and Municipal Bonds: How a Misunderstood Industry Has Cost Taxpayers
Alfred Bender, Domination v. Diplomacy: Comparing the Effectiveness of the United States’s John Doe Summons with the United Kingdom’s 2011 Tax Treaty with Switzerland
J. Richard (Dick) Harvey, Jr., Worldwide Taxation of United States Citizens Living Abroad – Impact of FATCA and Two Proposals
Kenneth E. Werner, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Issues For Fund Managers
Laura Crockett, Taxing Uncertainty: Electronic Commerce